Rules & Regulations

Class Limits
  • 3 entries per shower, per class.
  • Extra horses may be added for an additional $1 a model to a maximum of 6 models.
General Rules
  • This is a 3x5-card show. Standard Region 2 card format will be used. Showers need to provide a 3x5 index card for each entry; shower's name and horse's name go on one side, and the class number, breed, and gender of the horse go on the reverse.
  • This is a 3x5-card show. Standard Region 2 card format will be used. Showers need to provide a 3x5 index card for each entry; shower's name and horse's name go on one side, and the class number, breed, and gender of the horse go on the reverse. View 3x5 card format example
  • Halters are not recommended for Halter classes.
  • If you have a question about where a horse will go, please ask the judge or showholder.
  • At the judge's/showholder's discretion, a shower may be asked to moved their entry to another class/division if the judge deems the entry incorrectly placed.
  • If a shower chooses to lay their entry down on the table rather than place it in a standing position, they give the judge the authority to pick up the horse for judging so that they can view the other side of the model. The judge must be allowed to pick up such models for judging.
  • Decisions of the judges are final! Please do not question them while they are judging a class. If you have a question regarding a placing, please ask the judge politely and promptly after the class.
  • Please do not hover while the judge is judging a class! Likewise, please refrain from interrupting the judges while they are judging a class.
  • Do not touch any models other than your own unless you have the specific permission of the owner.
  • Anyone using bad behavior or language, or exhibiting poor sportsmanship, will be asked to leave the show hall with no refund. The judge's decisions are final.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
General Class Information
  • Classes may be split, combined or canceled, depending upon the number of entries, at the discretion of the judge and/or showholder.
  • Documentation for your horses is welcomed and is highly recommended for unusual breeds, colors, or coat patterns. Please don't assume the judges know everything there is to know about every breed and color. As a courtesy to other showers, please limit the size of your documentation to a maximum of 8-1/2 x 11 inches. Do not include documentation for common breeds, unless the model is showing with an unusual color.
Team Entries
  • Team entries (mother/daughter, sisters, wife/husband) are considered as one entrant unless individual fees are paid for both. Team models may be shown under either person's name or barn name. The team is allowed only the individual number of entries per class unless full individual fees for each person have been paid.
Proxy Showing
  • There is a flat fee listed on the entry form for proxy showers. Proxy showers are allowed a maximum of 20 horses per day of the show. Table space will not be provided and the entry card must show the name of the horse owner and the proxy shower.
  • The raffle will be held at approximately 2-3pm each day. We gladly accept donations for the raffle up to and including the event date.
Show Hall
  • The show hall will be locked after the end of the show on Saturday. No one will be allowed access until 8AM on Sunday. You may leave your possessions overnight at your own risk. Under no circumstances will show affiliates or the hotel be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. Please use your best judgment when leaving your things. Entrants are responsible for their own property.
Division Definitions
  • A Custom is an OF plastic horse that has been repainted, haired, and/or modified through resculpting of the body.
  • A Custom Glazed horse is defined as a fired, non-production color. Minor facial marking changes are not considered CG. To be considered a production run color, a run must consist of more than 1 horse with the same color/markings and must be noted as such by the manufacturer.
  • An Artist Resin is defined as any artist-designed and released, or artist-made and released sculpture with no specific number of models in the run. Repainted factory run chinas and resins, such as the Breyer releases, Animal Artistry and Northlights, will show in this division.
  • A China is defined as a fired, production color. To be considered a production run color, a run must consist of more than 1 horse with the same color/markings and must be noted as such by the manufacturer.
  • The Kids Division is open to anyone 12-years-old and under. Entrants in the Kids Division may also show under Novice.
  • The Novice Division is open to anyone who has shown in fewer than 5 previous model horse shows. There is no age criteria.
Judging Criteria
  • Breed Classes: Best Representative of the Breed based on ABCs (Anatomy, Biomechanics and Conformation) and Workmanship.
  • Workmanship Classes: Horses will be judged on the quality of the prep work and the paint job and the overall finish or glaze. The quality of the sculpture and the ABCs of the sculpture will not be judged.
  • Collectibility Classes: Horses will be judged only on their condition and rarity. Showers are encourgaed to provide as much information on each model as they can on an additional 3X5 card, since there are a lot of chinas out there, some of them exceptionally rare. Other documentation is also welcome.
  • Solid horse class entries will have no stockings above the knee or hock, or anywhere else on the body; face markings are allowed. Entries with any other coat colors will show in Color horse class.
  • The Kids Division is open to anyone 12-years-old and under. Entrants in the Kids Division may also show under Novice.
  • The Novice Division is open to anyone who has shown in fewer than 5 previous model horse shows. There is no age criteria.
  • Performance:
    • Correctness of ABC's — that is, anatomy, biomechanics and conformation
    • Ability of model to perform accurately and safely the activity presented.
    • Suitability and fit of tack.
    • Accuracy and presentation of entry, including documentation.

Please note: Performance classes will be judged based on USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) rules, appropriate show association rules or appropriate breed association rules, whichever the judge thinks is most appropriate, unless documentation is presented stating otherwise. It is highly recommended that documentation be included on all performance entries, and that the entrant never assume the judge will know what your intentions are. Western and English Pleasure classes are open to ALL breeds and each entry will be judged based on that entries' breed standards.

Breed Guidelines


All purebred Arabian strains recognized by the Arabian Horse Registry.

Please Note: The Shagya Arabian although of Arabian ancestry is not "of type" as recognized by AHR and should be shown in Other Sport.


All part Arabians of extreme Arab type show in this class. Part Arabians showing more type of their other half should show in Other Light/Part Breed, or where appropriate for their body type. For instance, a QuArab that appears more like a Pure Arab would be shown in Part Arabs in the Arab division, whereas a QuArab that appears more like a Quarter Horse would be shown in Other Stock/ Partbred in the Stock division. National Show Horses- both gaited and non-gaited will show in NSH classes.

European Warmblood

Examples are Belgian Warmblood, Budyonny, Danish Warmblood, Danubian, Dutch Gronigen, Dutch Warmblood, East Bulgarian, Finnish Universal, French Trotter, Gelderlander, Hispano, Holstiener, Hungarian Warmblood, Irish Draft, Kadruber, Knabstrup, Latvia, Mecklenbury, Oldenburg, Rhinelander, Salerno, Selle Francais, Swedish Warmblood.

American Warmblood, Other Warmblood, Sport Horses

Examples are Akhal Teke, American Sport Horse, Appaloosa Sport Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Furious, Metis Trotter, Nonius, Terek, Waler, Westphalian and all other pure or part of the above breeds showing Warmblood characteristics, used for all aspects of combined training.

Carriage Breeds

Such as Cleveland Bay, Friesian, Hackney Horse, Norman Cob, Orlov Trotter, Welsh Cob, all other pure or part of the above breeds showing Cob, or Carriage characteristics, used for driving.

Gaited Horse

Any breeds exhibiting gaited characteristics, i.e. is naturally inclined to perform gaits other than a walk, trot, and canter (such as a running walk, rack, foxtrot, etc.) A high trot does NOT constitute a specialized gait. The Spanish Walk is a movement that can be taught to any well-conformed breed and is not a gait. Spanish breed or descended breeds such as a Paso Fino or Peruvian Paso are encouraged but not required to show in Spanish Breeds, rather than here. Gaited Pony breeds should show here (Hackney, which is not gaited, go in Ponies) American Saddlebred (5 Gaited only) American Spotted Saddlehorse, Missouri Forxtrotter, TWH, Rocky Mountain Horse, Walkaloosa, all other pure or part breeds showing gaited characteristics.


Any breed exhibiting pony characteristics of height and conformation, or those generally recognized as "pony." Gaited ponies (ponies which do more than a walk, trot, or canter-a high trot is not a specialized gait) should show in the Gaited Breeds. American Saddle Pony, American Shetland, American Walking Pony, Assateague, Bali, Basque, Batak, British Shetland, British Spotted Pony, Carmargue, Cayuse Indian Pony, Chincogeague, Chinese, Feel Pony, Galiceno, Hackney Pony, Marwari, Mongolian, Paint Pony, POA, Quarter Pony, Rocky Mountain Pony and any other pure or part ponies exhibiting pony characteristics, except gaited pony breeds.

American Miniature Horses

Please show your miniature horses in the Ponies section “Other Purebred/ Partbred”.

Stock Breeds

Any breed typically used for working stock, or of a body type considered as "stock", Appaloosa, Australian Stock Horse, Canadian Cutter, Colorado Rangerbred, Mustang, Paint, Quarter Horse. All breeds not listed that would be used in its native country or region for working stock or general ranch work. Any other pure- or part-breed exhibiting stock characteristics.

Draft Breeds

Any breed typically used for medium or heavy draft work, including pulling loads, farm work, etc. and exhibiting draft confirmation. Ardennais, Auxios, Belgian, Brabant, Boulannais, Breton, Clydesdale, Comtois, Dole Gubrandsdal, Dutch Draft, Suffolk Punch, Swedish Ardennes, Vladimer Heavy Draft and any pure or part breeds showing draft characteristics or conformation, used for heavy farm/harness work.

Spanish Breeds

Breed originating and perpetuated in the Spanish/Iberian region of Europe and any breed developed and now bred primarily in the New World (North and South America) with roots in the Spanish/Iberian region of Europe. Alter Real, Andalusian, Lipizzan, Lustiano, Azteca, Barb, Criollo, Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, all other breeds pure or part exhibiting similar characteristics and bred primarily in the Spanish/Iberian region of Europe.

Other Purebreds

Unless there is a class whose specifications suit these breeds, this group to be shown in Other Purebreds: American Cream, Bahskir Curly, Brumby, Don, Kathiawari, Lokai, Malapolski, Turkoman, Wielopolski, all other pure or part breeds of light bone and confirmation, used for general riding purposes, harness and or light draft work. Partbreds should compete in the halter section best suited to their conformation and type.

Longears, Exotics

All non-domesticated, extinct, or living primitive breeds, including Donkeys, Burros, Mules, Przewalski, Tarpan/Wild Pony/ Wild Ass, Onager, Quagga, and Zebra.